
Career Academy Classes for Homeschooled Teens

Too many of our teens do not have a vision for what they would like to do after high school! Very few high schoolers are aware of all of the options available to them. Waiting to “figure it out” in college can be costly: changes in major and transfers to other colleges can result in a loss of earned college credit along with more time ... More

Are Your Language Arts Lagging?

Reading roadblocks. Handwriting hurdles. Struggling with spelling and wrestling over writing? The language arts are not easy, and some children face more obstacles than others. Homeschool parents are not expected to be experts in all aspects of these critical skills, so Compass offers dozens of small group, in-person language arts classes ... More

Early Registration Discount Ends This Weekend for Fall Classes

The 10% Early Registration discount for Compass fall classes ends this weekend on Sunday, June 30! This is a great time to enroll or add classes to your schedule. Fall classes begin the week of September 3. New families are welcome to enroll. Join Compass for our 13th year! We are continuing to innovate and create new opportunities for ... More

We Teach Math So You Don’t Have To!

Mean. Median. Matrix. Multiplicative Inverse. Parabolas and polynomials. Don’t let homeschool math scare you! Compass has a "solution" for you. If your student thrives with a live teacher, face-to-face explanations, and small in-person classes, we have math classes for you! Compass is offering eleven, year-long levels of math for grades ... More

Announcing: American History Alive Line-Up

Come face-to-face with famous Americans in American History Alive! American History Alive! is an interactive, signature series enjoyed by hundreds of Compass families since 2012. American History Alive! is a one-of-a-kind, weekly rendez-vous with key figures in American History. These characters are brought to life for students though ... More

Code for a Cause: Technovation Team for Girls

Does your daughter want to make a difference in her world? If so, she should join the Compass Technovation Team for girls! As part of the Technovation Team, girls will work in small groups to identify a problem in the community, propose a technology-based solution, and learn to code a unique mobile app to address the issue. Imagine a ... More

Homeschoolers: March to the Beat of Your Own Drum (or Guitar, Piano, Ukulele, Violin…)

Compass has a comprehensive music program planned for the upcoming school year! Enjoy the camaraderie of making music or singing with other students. Also, many Compass families take advantage of the daytime hours and schedule private lessons before, after, or between their other classes. Register for these programs and others online. A 10% ... More

Come on by! Compass is Open

Curious about Compass? Confused about homeschooling? Concerned about high school? Our doors are open this summer, and you are welcome to come by and chat with us! *New and prospective families are invited to learn more about Compass with a tour of the facilities and sit-down with the director. Get answers to your questions about regist... More

School’s Out! More June Workshops Next Week

Compass has some interesting, hands-on half-day workshops next week to kick off your summer fun! Workshops are just 2, 3, or 4 half-days long. All kids welcome- they do not need to be Compass students or even homeschooled. The 10% registration discount has been extended for all June workshops! Register for Summer Workshops Online HERE. ... More

Last Chance! Compass June Workshops Start Next Week

If your summer is not yet in full swing, but the kids need a little something to keep them engaged, Compass has exciting, experiential half-day workshops during the next 2 weeks. Most workshops are just 2, 3, and 4 half-days long. Current, future, and former Compass students, and their friends and family from other school settings are ... More